$Header: /cvsroot/marf/marf/HISTORY,v 1.6 2005/06/06 17:35:30 mokhov Exp $ [See History section in the PDF manual for some additional info. TODO: merge] This project has started as a course project for Pattern Recognition, Fall 2002, at Concordia University (http://www.concordia.ca/), Dept. of Computer Science (http://www.cs.concordia.ca), Montreal, Canada, by four students: Ian Clément Serguei Mokhov Dimitrios Nicolacopoulos Stephen Sinclair The project seems to have survived past that school term, and is being maintained by us. [XXX UPDATE:] There has been three official "releases" of our framework and and SpeakerIdentApp so far. - Monday, February 10, 2003 MARF 0.2.0 - Our first release after the project submission - new API in MARF - train()/recognize() - global Makefile build system - Compilation - Distros - TrainingSet improvments - new modules - BandpassFilter - MinkowskiDistance - More or less functional NeuralNet - "Random" feature extraction and classification - MahalanobisDistance, particular case for identity matrix - improved docs (a lot!) - code robustness via exceptions and 'final' SpeakerIdentApp, 0.2.0 - Incorporates changes to MARF - New helpful options - December 20, 2002 MARF 0.1.2 - Project Includes what we have submitted (including an ISO CD image) as our final project deliverables, the MARF, SpeakerIdenApp along with voice samples, and the report. - December 8, 2002 MARF 0.1.0 - Demo In-class demo of our project to the professor, Dr. Suen, and Javad Sadri of at least what we've got working that day :-) EOF