MARF TODO/Wishlist ------------------ $Header: /cvsroot/marf/marf/TODO,v 1.72 2006/02/19 20:32:26 mokhov Exp $ Legend: ------- "-" -- TODO "*" -- done (for historical records) "+-" -- somewhat done ("+" is degree of completed work, "-" remaining). "?" -- unsure if feature is needed or how to proceed about it or it's potentially far away THE APPS - SpeakerIdentApp - GUI - Real-Time recording and recognition (does it belong here?) - Move dir. read from the app to MARF in training section {0.3.0} - Enhance batch recognition (do not re-load training set per sample) {0.3.0} - Enhance Option Processing * Make use of OptionProcessor {} - Enhance options with arguments, e.g. -fft=1024, -lpc=40, -lpc=40,256, keeping the existing defaults - Add options: * --batch-ident option {} - -data-dir=DIRNAME other than default to specify a dir where to store training sets and stuff - -mink=r - -fft=x,y - -lpc=x,y * single file training option {} - Dump stats: -classic -latex -csv +- Make binary/optimized distro - Generate data.tex off speakers.txt in the manual. +---- Convert to Java - Open up -randcl with -nn * Finish testing.bat * Make executable .jar * Improve on javadoc * ChangeLog * Sort the stats * Add classification methods to training in * Implement batch plan execution - LangIdentApp * Integrate - Add GUI * Make executable .jar - Release. - ProbabilisticParsingApp * Integrate - Add GUI * Make executable .jar - Release. - ZipfLawApp * Integrate - Add GUI * Make executable .jar - Release. - TestFilters - The application has already a Makefile and a JBuilder project file. We would want to add a NetBeans project as well. - Add GUI * Release. * It only tests HighFrequencyBoost, but we also have BandpassFilter, HighPassFilter, and LowPassFilter. These have to be tested. * The output of every filter will have to be stored in a expected (needs to be created) folder for future regression testing. Like with TestMath. * Option processing has to be done and standartized by using marf.util.OptionProcessor uniformly in all apps. But we can begin with this one. The options then would be: --high, --low, --band, and --boost that will correspond to the appropriate filters I mentioned. * The exception handling has to be augmented to print the error message and the stack trace to System.err. * Apply coding conventions to naming variables, etc. * Make executable .jar - TestNN * Fix to work with new MARF API * Add use of OptionProcessor * Apply coding conventions - Add GUI * Make executable .jar - Release. - TestLPC - Add GUI * Release. * Fix to work with new MARF API * Add use of OptionProcessor * Apply coding conventions * Make executable .jar - TestFFT - Add GUI * Release. * Make executable .jar * Fix to work with new MARF API * Add use of OptionProcessor * Apply coding conventions - MathTestApp - Add GUI * Release. * Make executable .jar - TestWaveLoader - Add GUI * Release. * Fix to work with new MARF API * Apply coding conventions * Make executable .jar - TestLoaders - Add GUI * Create a-la TestFilters with option processing. * Make executable .jar * Release. - Regression - one script calls all the apps and compares new results vs. expected - Matrix ops +- Fix TestNN - Add GUI * Make executable .jar - Release. - Graph % vs. # of samples used per method - Release all apps as packages at Source Forge ++- Bundle ++- Individually - SpeechRecognition - Define - InstrumentIdentification - Define - EmotionDetection - Define THE BUILD SYSTEM - Perhaps at some point we'd need make/project files for other Java IDEs, such as - IBM Visual Age - Ant - Windoze .bat file(s)? * Sun NetBeans * A Makefile per directory * Make utility detection test * global makefile in /marf * fix doc's global makefile * Global Makefile for apps (will descend to each dir and build all the apps.) * Build and package distrubution * MARF * App DISTROS * Apps jars - Different JDKs (1.4/1.5) - rpm - FC - Mandrake - RH - deb - dmg - iso THE FRAMEWORK - All/Optimization/Testing - Implement text file support/toString() method for all the modules for regression testing - Threading and Parallelism - PR and FE are safe to run in || - Fix NNet for ArrayLists->Vector ++--- Adopt JUnit +- Use of StringBuffer for String concatenation * Implement getMARFSourceCodeRevision() method for CVS revision info. - Preprocessing +- Make dump()/restore() to serialize filtered output {0.3.0} - Fix hardcoding of filter boundaries - Implement - Enable changing values of frequency boundaries and coeffs. in filters by an app. - "Compressor" [steve] - Methods: {1.0.0} - removeNoise() - removeSilence() - cropAudio() - streamed normalization * Endpoint {} * High-pass filter with high-frequency boost together {0.3.0} * Band-pass Filter {0.2.0} * Move BandpassFilter and HighFrequencyBoost under FFTFilter package with CVS comments * Tweak the filter values of HighPass and HighFrequencyBoost filters - Feature Extraction - Make modules to dump their features for future use by NNet and maybe others {0.3.0} - Implement {1.0.0} - F0 - fundamental frequency estimation, providing us with a few more features. - Cepstral Analysis - Segmentation * RandomFeatureExtraction {0.2.0} - Enhance - MinMaxAmplitudes to pick different features, not very close to each other - Classification - Implement +++-- Mahalanobis Distance {0.3.0} - Learning Covariance Matrix - Stochastic [serge] {1.0.0} - Gaussian Mixture Models - Hidden Markov Models {1.0.0} - SimilarityClassifier {0.3.0} ? Boolean Model ? Vector Space Model ? sine similarity model * Minkowski's Distance {0.2.0} * RandomClassification {0.2.0} - Fully Integrate +- MaxProbabilityClassifier - Push StatisticalEstimator to Stochastic +- ZipfLaw - Fix and document NNet {0.*.*} - add % of correct/incorrect expected to train() {0.3.0} - ArrayList ---> Vector, because ArrayList is NOT thread-safe {0.3.0} - Second Best (by doubling # of output Neurons with the 2nd half being the 2nd ID) +- Epoch training * dump()/retore() {0.2.0} - Distance Classifiers - make distance() throw an exception maybe? * Move under Distance package * DiffDistance - Sample Loaders - Create Loaders for Java-supported formats: +--- AIFC +--- AIFF +--- AU +--- SND +--- Add MIDI support * Create MARFAudioFileFormat extends AudioFileFormat * Enumerate all types in addition to ours from FileAudioFormat.Types - marf.speech package - Recognition (stt) - Dictionaries - Generation (tts) - NLP package ++++- Integrate +- Classification - Potter's Stemmer * Stats * Storage management * StatisticalEstimators * * Parsing * Util * Collocations ? Integrate AIMA stuff - Stats {0.3.0} - Move stats collection from the app and other places to StatsCollector - Timing - Batch progress report - Rank results - Results validation (that numbers add up properly e.g. sum of BAD and GOOD should be equal to total) - Algos +- Algorithm decoupling to marf.algos or marf.algorithms or ... {0.4.0} * To marf.math.Algorithms {0.3.0} - marf.algos.Search - marf.util.DataStructures -- Node / Graph --- to be used by the networks and state machines * move out hamming() from FeatureExtraction * marf.math * Integrate Vector operations * Matrix: * Add {} * translate * rotate * scale * shear - GUI {0.5.0} - Make them actual GUI components to be included into App - Spectrogram +----- Implement SpectrogramPanel - Draw spectrogram on the panel * Fix filename stuff (module_dirname to module_filename) - WaveGrapher +----- Implement WaveGrapherPanel - Draw waves on the panel - Fix WaveGrapher - Sometimes dumps files of 0 length - Make it actually ouput PPM or smth like that (configurable?) - Too huge files for samp output. - Have LPC understand it - Config tool - Web interface? - - Concurrent use of modules of the same type - FFT and F0 can both be applied like normalization and filtering - Implement - streamedRecognition() +- train() - Add single file training - Inter-module compatibility (i.e. specific modules can only work with some other specific modules and not the others) - Module Compatibility Matrix - Module integer and String IDs - Server Part {2.0.0} * enhance error reporting * Embed the NLP class * MARF Exceptions Framework {0.3.0} * Propagate to NLP properly * NLPException * StorageException * Have all marf exceptions inherit from util.MARFException - marf.util - complete and document +- Matrix +- FreeVector * Arrays * Debug ? PrintFactory - Move NeuralNetowork.indent() ? marf.util.upgrade * OptionProcessor * Integrate {} * Add parsing of "name=value" options {} * Add marf.util.Debug module. {} * marf.util.Debug.debug() * Replicate MARF.debug() --> marf.util.Debug.debug() - Storage - ModuleParams: - have Hashtables instead of Vectors to allow params in any order and in any number. - maybe use OptionProcessor or be its extension? - Keep all data files under dir, like training sets, XML, etc {0.3.0} - Implement - Schema (as in DB for exports) - Common attribute names for - SQL - XML - HTML - CSV - Metadata / DDL - Dump/Restore Types +++- DUMP_BINARY (w/o compression) {0.3.0} - DUMP_XML {?.?.?} - DUMP_CSV {?.?.?} - DUMP_HTML {?.?.?} - DUMP_SQL {?.?.?} +- Revise TrainingSet stuff ? Cluster mode vs. feature set mode - TrainingSet - upgradability {?.?.?} - convertability: gzbin <-> bin <-> csv <-> xml <-> html <-> sql +--- Add FeatureSet {0.3.0} - Revise dump/restore implementation to check for unnecessary file writes * Integrate IStorageManager * Move DUMP_* flags up to IStorageManager * Add re-implemented StorageManager and integrate it - The MARF Language - A meta language to write MARF applications in a script/shell-like manner along the lines of: MARF: { use normalization; use FFT 1024; use NeuralNetwork; use WAVLoader 8000 1 mono; pipeline start on dir /var/data/sammple; print stats paged 10; } - Fully define syntax - Complete compiler - grammar file - semantic analysis - code generator * Clean up * CVS: ? Rename /marf/doc/sgml to /marf/doc/styles x Remove /marf/doc/styles/ref * Remove --x permissions introduced from windoze in files: * /marf/doc/src/tex/sampleloading.tex * /marf/doc/src/graphics/*.png * /marf/doc/src/graphics/arch/*.png * /marf/doc/src/graphics/fft_spectrograms/*.ppm * /marf/doc/src/graphics/lpc_spectrograms/*.ppm * /marf/doc/arch.mdl * /marf/src/marf/Classification/Distance/ * /marf/src/marf/Preprocessing/ * /apps/SpeakerIdentApp/SpeakerIdentApp.jpx * /apps/SpeakerIdentApp/testing-samples/*.wav * /apps/SpeakerIdentApp/testing-samples/*.wav * /apps/TestFilters/TestFilters.* * Add NLP revisions directly to the CVS (by SF staff) * Parsing * Stemming * Collocations * Move distance classifiers with CVS log to Distance * remove uneeded attics and corresponding dirs * "Ceptral" * Bogus samples THE CODE * Define coding standards +++- Propagate them throughout the code * Document THE SAMPLE DATABASES - /samples/ -- Move all wav and corpora files there from apps - WAV/ - training-samples/ - testing-samples/ - README - speakers.txt - - corpora/ - training/ - en/ - fr/ - ru/ - ... - testing/ - en/ - fr/ - ru/ - ... - heldout/ - README - - Make releases THE TOOLS * Add module - Add tools: - marfindent * stats2latex * cvs2cl * cvs2html - upgrade/ - - an app or a marf module? - cmd-line? - GUI? - Interactive? - v012/ - v020/ THE DOCS - docs [s] - report.pdf -> manual.pdf - autosync from the report - history.tex -> HISTORY - legal.tex -> COPYRIGHT - installation.tex -> INSTALL - Arch Update [serge] +- gfx model (rr) - add util package - add math package - add nlp package * gui: add StorageManager * update doc * newer images - MARF-specific exceptions - Account for dangling .tex files - old-results.tex - output.tex * installation.tex * training.tex * sample-formats.tex * cvs.tex * history.tex * f0.tex * notation.tex * sources.tex +++- better doc format and formulas - Results: - Add modules params used, like r=6 in Minkowski, FFT input 1024, etc - Add time took * fix javadoc 1.4/1.5 warnings * fix Appendix * split-out bibliography * index * ChangeLog * report components [serge] - web site - Publish * TODO +- ChanageLog * Raw - HTML - Manual - Add HTML * Add training sets * CVS * autoupdate from CVS EOF