$Header: /cvsroot/marf/marf/HISTORY,v 1.6 2005/06/06 17:35:30 mokhov Exp $

[See History section in the PDF manual for some additional info. TODO: merge]

This project has started as a course project for Pattern Recognition,
Fall 2002, at Concordia University (http://www.concordia.ca/),
Dept. of Computer Science (http://www.cs.concordia.ca), Montreal, Canada,
by four students:

  Ian Clément
  Serguei Mokhov
  Dimitrios Nicolacopoulos
  Stephen Sinclair

The project seems to have survived past that school term,
and is being maintained by us.


There has been three official "releases" of our framework and
and SpeakerIdentApp so far.

- Monday, February 10, 2003

  MARF 0.2.0 - Our first release after the project submission

    - new API in MARF - train()/recognize()
    - global Makefile build system
      - Compilation
      - Distros
    - TrainingSet improvments
    - new modules
        - BandpassFilter
        - MinkowskiDistance
        - More or less functional NeuralNet
        - "Random" feature extraction and classification
        - MahalanobisDistance, particular case for identity matrix
    - improved docs (a lot!)
    - code robustness via exceptions and 'final'

  SpeakerIdentApp, 0.2.0
    - Incorporates changes to MARF
    - New helpful options

- December 20, 2002

  MARF 0.1.2 - Project

  Includes what we have submitted (including an ISO CD image) as our final
  project deliverables, the MARF, SpeakerIdenApp along with voice samples,
  and the report.

- December 8, 2002

  MARF 0.1.0 - Demo

  In-class demo of our project to the professor, Dr. Suen, and Javad Sadri of
  at least what we've got working that day :-)