Uses of Class

Packages that use Neuron

Uses of Neuron in marf.Classification.NeuralNetwork

Methods in marf.Classification.NeuralNetwork that return Neuron
 Neuron Layer.get(int piIndex)
          Allows getting a neuron object given index.
 Neuron Layer.getNeuron(java.lang.String pstrName)
          Returns the Neuron called by its name string.

Methods in marf.Classification.NeuralNetwork with parameters of type Neuron
 boolean Layer.add(Neuron poNeuron)
          Allows adding a neuron to the layer.
 boolean Neuron.addInput(Neuron poInputNeuron, double pdWeight)
          Adds an input neuron and its associated weight.
 boolean Neuron.addOutput(Neuron poOutputNeuron)
          Adds an output neuron.

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