Uses of Class

Packages that use PreprocessingException

Uses of PreprocessingException in marf.Preprocessing

Methods in marf.Preprocessing that throw PreprocessingException
static IPreprocessing PreprocessingFactory.create(java.lang.Integer poPreprocessingMethod, Sample poSample)
          Instantiates a Preprocessing module indicated by the first parameter with the 2nd parameter as an argument.
static IPreprocessing PreprocessingFactory.create(int piPreprocessingMethod, Sample poSample)
          Instantiates a Preprocessing module indicated by the first parameter with the 2nd parameter as an argument.
 boolean IPreprocessing.cropAudio(double pdStartingFrequency, double pdEndFrequency)
          Derivatives implement this method to crop arbitrary part of the audio sample.
 boolean Preprocessing.cropAudio(double pdStartingFrequency, double pdEndFrequency)
          Derivatives implement this method to crop arbitrary part of the audio sample.
 boolean IFilter.filter(double[][][] padSample, double[][][] padFiltered)
          Applies 3D filtering to the sample array and buffers the filtered data.
 boolean IFilter.filter(double[][] padSample, double[][] padFiltered)
          Applies 2D filtering to the sample array and buffers the filtered data.
 boolean IFilter.filter(double[] padSample, double[] padFiltered)
          Applies filtering to the sample array and buffers the filtered data.
 boolean IPreprocessing.normalize()
          Normalization of entire incoming samples by amplitude.
 boolean Preprocessing.normalize()
          Normalization of entire incoming samples by amplitude.
 boolean IPreprocessing.normalize(int piIndexFrom)
          Normalization of incoming samples by amplitude starting from certain index.
 boolean Preprocessing.normalize(int piIndexFrom)
          Normalization of incoming samples by amplitude starting from certain index.
 boolean IPreprocessing.normalize(int piIndexFrom, int piIndexTo)
          Normalization of incoming samples by amplitude between specified indexes.
 boolean Preprocessing.normalize(int piIndexFrom, int piIndexTo)
          Normalization of incoming samples by amplitude between specified indexes.
 boolean Filter.preprocess()
          Filter implementation of preprocess().
 boolean IPreprocessing.preprocess()
          Derivatives must implement this method to do general preprocessing and perhaps calling removeNoise() and removeSilence().
 boolean Preprocessing.preprocess()
          Default implementation of preprocess() includes normalization of the sample, and optionally removal of noise and silence.
 boolean IPreprocessing.removeNoise()
          Derivatives should implement this method to remove noise from the sample.
 boolean Preprocessing.removeNoise()
          Implements the noise in a relatively general default way by invoking the low-pass FFT filter with the default settings.
 boolean IPreprocessing.removeSilence()
          Derivatives should implement this method to remove silence.
 boolean Preprocessing.removeSilence()
          Remove silence (amplitudes below certain threshold) from the sample thereby making it smaller and more unique compared to other samples.

Constructors in marf.Preprocessing that throw PreprocessingException
Filter(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Pipelined constructor.
Filter(Sample poSample)
          Filter Constructor.
Preprocessing(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Allows chaining of preprocessing modules.
Preprocessing(Sample poSample)
          Main Preprocessing constructor that performs normalization as a part of construction process.

Uses of PreprocessingException in marf.Preprocessing.CFEFilters

Methods in marf.Preprocessing.CFEFilters that throw PreprocessingException
 boolean CFEFilter.filter(double[][][] padSample, double[][][] padFiltered)
 boolean CFEFilter.filter(double[][] padSample, double[][] padFiltered)
 boolean CFEFilter.filter(double[] padSample, double[] padFiltered)
 boolean CFEFilter.removeNoise()
          Overrides that of Preprocessing to invoke the CFE low-pass filter instead of the FFT one.

Constructors in marf.Preprocessing.CFEFilters that throw PreprocessingException
BandPassFilter(Sample poSample)
          LowPassFilter Constructor.
BandStopFilter(Sample poSample)
          LowPassFilter Constructor.
CFEFilter(Sample poSample)
          LowPassFilter Constructor.
HighPassFilter(Sample poSample)
          LowPassFilter Constructor.
LowPassFilter(Sample poSample)
          LowPassFilter Constructor.

Uses of PreprocessingException in marf.Preprocessing.Dummy

Methods in marf.Preprocessing.Dummy that throw PreprocessingException
 boolean Raw.cropAudio(double pdStartingFrequency, double pdEndFrequency)
          Raw implementation of cropAudio() for testing.
 boolean Crop.preprocess()
 boolean Dummy.preprocess()
          Dummy implementation of preprocess() for testing that doesn't do any real work and simply defers the call to the generic implementation.
 boolean Raw.preprocess()
          Raw implementation of preprocess() for testing.
 boolean Raw.removeNoise()
          Raw implementation of removeNoise() for testing.
 boolean Raw.removeSilence()
          Raw implementation of removeSilence() for testing.

Constructors in marf.Preprocessing.Dummy that throw PreprocessingException
Crop(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
Crop(Sample poSample)
Dummy(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Implementation of the preprocessing pipeline.
Dummy(Sample poSample)
          Dummy Constructor.
Raw(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Implementation of the preprocessing pipeline.
Raw(Sample poSample)
          Raw Constructor.

Uses of PreprocessingException in marf.Preprocessing.Endpoint

Methods in marf.Preprocessing.Endpoint that throw PreprocessingException
 boolean Endpoint.preprocess()
          Filters out sample points that are not endpoints.

Constructors in marf.Preprocessing.Endpoint that throw PreprocessingException
Endpoint(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Preprocessing pipeline constructor.
Endpoint(Sample poSample)
          Endpoint Constructor.

Uses of PreprocessingException in marf.Preprocessing.FFTFilter

Methods in marf.Preprocessing.FFTFilter that throw PreprocessingException
 boolean BandStopFilter.cropAudio(double pdStartingFrequency, double pdEndFrequency)
          Stub implementation of cropAudio().
 boolean BandpassFilter.cropAudio(double pdStartingFrequency, double pdEndFrequency)
          Stub implementation of cropAudio().
 boolean HighFrequencyBoost.cropAudio(double pdStartingFrequency, double pdEndFrequency)
          Stub implementation of cropAudio().
 boolean HighPassFilter.cropAudio(double pdStartingFrequency, double pdEndFrequency)
          Stub implementation of cropAudio().
 boolean LowPassFilter.cropAudio(double pdStartingFrequency, double pdEndFrequency)
          Stub implementation of cropAudio().
 boolean FFTFilter.filter(double[][][] padSample, double[][][] padFiltered)
          Applies two-dimensional filtering to every plane of the matrix.
 boolean FFTFilter.filter(double[][] padSample, double[][] padFiltered)
          Applies single-dimensional filtering to every row of the matrix.
 boolean FFTFilter.filter(double[] padSample, double[] padFiltered)
          Perform a filter by the following algorithm: (1) sample -> window -> FFT -> buffer
(2) buffer * frequency response
(3) buffer -> IFFT -> window -> sample.
 boolean FFTFilter.preprocess()
          FFTFilter implementation of preprocess().
 boolean HighFrequencyBoost.preprocess()
          Overrides FFTFilter's preprocess() with extra normalization after the boost.

Constructors in marf.Preprocessing.FFTFilter that throw PreprocessingException
BandpassFilter(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Implements preprocessing pipeline.
BandpassFilter(Sample poSample)
          BandpassFilter Constructor.
BandStopFilter(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Implements preprocessing pipeline.
BandStopFilter(Sample poSample)
          BandpassFilter Constructor.
FFTFilter(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Pipelined constructor.
FFTFilter(Sample poSample)
          FFTFilter Constructor.
HighFrequencyBoost(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Pipelined preprocessing constructor.
HighFrequencyBoost(Sample poSample)
          HighFrequencyBoost Constructor.
HighPassFilter(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Preprocessing pipeline constructor.
HighPassFilter(Sample poSample)
          HighPassFilter Constructor.
LowPassFilter(IPreprocessing poPreprocessing)
          Preprocessing pipeline constructor.
LowPassFilter(Sample poSample)
          LowPassFilter Constructor.

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