Package marf.nlp.Parsing

Class Summary
ClassSymTabEntry ClassSymTabEntry represents an entry in the symbol table corresponding to a class definition.
CodeGenerator Code Generator.
Compiler General Compiler Class.
FuncSymTabEntry FuncSymTabEntry represents a symbol table entry for function definition.
GenericLexicalAnalyzer Generic Lexical Analyzer.
LexicalAnalyzer LexicalAnalyzer class encapsulates the functionality required for lexical analysis of a MARF source program.
Parser Generic Language Parser.
ProbabilisticParser Probabilistic parser is set of parsing a natural language (e.g.
SemanticAnalyzer Semantic Analyzer.
SymbolTable Symbol Table data structure.
SymDataType User-defined symbol's data type.
SymTabEntry This class denotes one entry per user-defined symbol in the Symbol Table.
Token This class denotes a Token data structure.
TokenSubType MARF Specific Tokens Types.
TokenType Generic Token Type.
TransitionTable TransitionTable class stores transition table for the main parser.
VarSymTabEntry Represents Variable SymTab Entry.

Exception Summary
CompilerError Generic Compiler Error.
LexicalError This class denotes a lexical error type.
SemanticError Class SemanticError Represents an instance of a semantic error in the semantic analysis process.
SyntaxError Represents a Syntax Error.

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