Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidSampleFormatException

Uses of InvalidSampleFormatException in marf.Storage

Methods in marf.Storage that throw InvalidSampleFormatException
static ISampleLoader SampleLoaderFactory.create(int piSampleFormat)
          Instantiates a SampleLoader module indicated by the first parameter with the 2nd parameter as an argument.
static ISampleLoader SampleLoaderFactory.create(java.lang.Integer poSampleFormat)
          Instantiates a SampleLoader module indicated by the first parameter with the 2nd parameter as an argument.
static MARFAudioFileFormat.Type MARFAudioFileFormat.Type.forFormatCode(int piFormat)
          Given valid format code returns the corresponding Type instance.
 void Sample.setAudioFileFormatCode(int piFileFormat)
          Sets current format of a sample.
 MARFAudioFileFormat.Type MARFAudioFileFormat.setAudioFormat(int piFormat)
          Sets current format of a sample.

Constructors in marf.Storage that throw InvalidSampleFormatException
          Default constructor creates a WAVE-type format by default, which is PCM-signed, 16 bits, mono, little-endian.
MARFAudioFileFormat(int piFormat)
          Constructs format instant given the format enumeration parameter and default AudioFormat parameters.
Sample(int piFormat)
          Constructor with format indication.
Sample(int piFormat, double[] padData)
          Constructor with format indication and the sampled data.
Sample(Sample poSample)

Uses of InvalidSampleFormatException in marf.Storage.Loaders

Constructors in marf.Storage.Loaders that throw InvalidSampleFormatException
          Constructs default Sine Loader.
          Constructs default Text Loader.
          Default WAVLoader Constructor.
WAVLoader(float pfRequiredFrequency, int piRequiredBitSize, int piRequiredChannels, javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding poEncoding)
          Allows construction of the WAVE loader with non-default parameters.

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