Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStorageManager

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Classification

Classes in marf.Classification that implement IStorageManager
 class Classification
          Abstract Classification Module.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Classification.Distance

Classes in marf.Classification.Distance that implement IStorageManager
 class ChebyshevDistance
          Chebyshev Distance Classifier.
 class DiffDistance
          Diff-Distance Classifier.
 class Distance
          Abstract Distance Classifier.
 class EuclideanDistance
          Class EuclideanDistance.
 class HammingDistance
          Hamming Distance Classifier.
 class MahalanobisDistance
          Mahalanobis Distance Classification Module.
 class MinkowskiDistance
          Class MinkowskiDistance.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Classification.Markov

Classes in marf.Classification.Markov that implement IStorageManager
 class Markov
          Hidden Markov Models-based Classification Module.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Classification.NeuralNetwork

Classes in marf.Classification.NeuralNetwork that implement IStorageManager
 class NeuralNetwork
          Artificial Neural Network-based Classifier.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Classification.RandomClassification

Classes in marf.Classification.RandomClassification that implement IStorageManager
 class RandomClassification
          Random Classification Module is for testing purposes.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Classification.Similarity

Classes in marf.Classification.Similarity that implement IStorageManager
 class CosineSimilarityMeasure
          Cosine Similarity Measure Classifier.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Classification.Stochastic

Classes in marf.Classification.Stochastic that implement IStorageManager
 class MaxProbabilityClassifier
          Maximum Probability Classification Module.
 class Stochastic
          Generic Stochastic Classification Module.
 class ZipfLaw
          Module exercising Zipf's Law.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction that implement IStorageManager
 class FeatureExtraction
          Generic Feature Extraction Module.
 class FeatureExtractionAggregator
          This class by itself does not do any feature extraction, but instead allows concatenation of the results of several actual feature extractors to be combined in a single result.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction.Cepstral

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction.Cepstral that implement IStorageManager
 class Cepstral
          Cepstral Analysis.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction.F0

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction.F0 that implement IStorageManager
 class F0
          Class F0 - the Fundamental Frequency Extraction.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction.FFT

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction.FFT that implement IStorageManager
 class FFT
          Class FFT implements Fast Fourier Transform.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction.LPC

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction.LPC that implement IStorageManager
 class LPC
          Class LPC implements Linear Predictive Coding.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction.MinMaxAmplitudes

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction.MinMaxAmplitudes that implement IStorageManager
 class MinMaxAmplitudes
          Min/Max Amplitudes.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction.RandomFeatureExtraction

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction.RandomFeatureExtraction that implement IStorageManager
 class RandomFeatureExtraction
          Implementation of random feature extraction for testing as a baseline.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction.RawFeatureExtraction

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction.RawFeatureExtraction that implement IStorageManager
 class RawFeatureExtraction
          For a some applications it is desired to pass-through the preprocessed sample data "as-is", or with little massaging; this module does that.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.FeatureExtraction.Segmentation

Classes in marf.FeatureExtraction.Segmentation that implement IStorageManager
 class Segmentation
          Class Segmentation.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.gui

Classes in marf.gui that implement IStorageManager
 class Spectrogram
          Class Spectrogram dumps a spectrogram to a PPM file.
 class WaveGrapher
          Class WaveGrapher.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.nlp.Parsing

Classes in marf.nlp.Parsing that implement IStorageManager
 class ProbabilisticParser
          Probabilistic parser is set of parsing a natural language (e.g.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.nlp.Parsing.GrammarCompiler

Classes in marf.nlp.Parsing.GrammarCompiler that implement IStorageManager
 class GrammarCompiler
          Grammar compiler -- compiles source grammar file and produces a corresponding transition table for a given language denoted by the grammar.
 class ProbabilisticGrammarCompiler
          Probabilistic Grammar Compiler processes a grammar enhanced with probability tokens assigned to each production.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.nlp.Storage

Classes in marf.nlp.Storage that implement IStorageManager
 class CorporaStorageManager

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Preprocessing

Classes in marf.Preprocessing that implement IStorageManager
 class Filter
          Filter class implements generic filtering.
 class Preprocessing
          Abstract Preprocessing Module.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Preprocessing.CFEFilters

Classes in marf.Preprocessing.CFEFilters that implement IStorageManager
 class BandPassFilter
          Implements band-pass CFE filter based on Shivani Bhat's thesis work.
 class CFEFilter
          General Continuous-Fraction Expansion (CFE) filter types.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Preprocessing.Dummy

Classes in marf.Preprocessing.Dummy that implement IStorageManager
 class Crop
          Designed to be a general "cropper".
 class Dummy
          Implements dummy preprocessing module for testing purposes that does only normalization.
 class Raw
          Implements raw preprocessing module for testing purposes that does not do any preprocessing.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Preprocessing.Endpoint

Classes in marf.Preprocessing.Endpoint that implement IStorageManager
 class Endpoint
          Implements endpoint preprocessing in MARF.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Preprocessing.FFTFilter

Classes in marf.Preprocessing.FFTFilter that implement IStorageManager
 class BandpassFilter
          Bandpass Filter Implementation based on the FFTFilter.
 class BandStopFilter
          Band-stop Filter Implementation based on the FFTFilter.
 class FFTFilter
          FFTFilter class implements filtering using the FFT algorithm.
 class HighFrequencyBoost
          HighFrequencyBoost class implements filtering using high frequency booster on top of the FFTFilter.
 class HighPassFilter
          HighPassFilter class implements high-pass filtering the FFT Filter.
 class LowPassFilter
          LowPassFilter class implements low pass filtering the FFT Filter.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Stats.StatisticalEstimators

Classes in marf.Stats.StatisticalEstimators that implement IStorageManager
 class GLI
          GLI Statistical Estimator.
 class KatzBackoff
          Katz Backoff Statistical Estimator.
 class MLE
          Maximum-Likelihood Statistical Estimator (MLE).
 class SLI
          SLI Statistical Estimator.
 class StatisticalEstimator
          Implements generic Statistical Estimator routines.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Stats.StatisticalEstimators.Smoothing

Classes in marf.Stats.StatisticalEstimators.Smoothing that implement IStorageManager
 class AddDelta
          Add-Delta Smoothing Estimator.
 class AddOne
          Add-One Smoothing Estimator.
 class GoodTuring
          Good-Turing Smoothing Estimator.
 class Smoothing
          Generic Smoothing Estimator implementation.
 class WittenBell
          Represents Witten-Bell Smoothing Algorithm.

Uses of IStorageManager in marf.Storage

Classes in marf.Storage that implement IStorageManager
 class Database
          Subject database.
 class StorageManager
          Class StorageManager provides basic persistence manager.
 class TrainingSet
          TrainingSet -- Encapsulates Subject ID and subject's clusters or a feature set.

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