Uses of Class

Packages that use StorageException

Uses of StorageException in marf.Classification

Methods in marf.Classification that throw StorageException
 void Classification.dump()
          Generic implementation of dump() to dump the TrainingSet.
static TrainingSet Classification.loadTrainingSet(int piDumpMode, java.lang.String pstrFilename)
          Allows loading of the training sets for debugging and browsing purposes by external classes.
 void Classification.restore()
          Generic implementation of restore() for TrainingSet.

Uses of StorageException in marf.Classification.Markov

Methods in marf.Classification.Markov that throw StorageException
 void Markov.dump()
          Not Implemented.
 void Markov.restore()
          Not Implemented.

Uses of StorageException in marf.Classification.NeuralNetwork

Methods in marf.Classification.NeuralNetwork that throw StorageException
 void NeuralNetwork.dump()
          Dumps Neural Net to an XML or serialized file.
 void NeuralNetwork.dumpXML()
          Overrides the default implementation of dumpXML().
 void NeuralNetwork.dumpXML(java.lang.String pstrFilename)
          Dumps Neural Network as XML file.
 void NeuralNetwork.initialize(java.lang.String pstrFilename, boolean pbValidateDTD)
          Parses XML and produces a neural network data structure.
 void NeuralNetwork.restore()
          Restores Neural Net from an XML or serialized file.
 void NeuralNetwork.restoreXML()
          Overrides the default implementation of restoreXML().

Uses of StorageException in marf.Classification.RandomClassification

Methods in marf.Classification.RandomClassification that throw StorageException
 void RandomClassification.dump()
          Dumps "training set" of IDs.
 void RandomClassification.restore()
          Restores "training set" of IDs.

Uses of StorageException in marf.Classification.Stochastic

Methods in marf.Classification.Stochastic that throw StorageException
 void MaxProbabilityClassifier.dump()
          An object must know how dump itself or its data structures to a file.
 void ZipfLaw.dump()
          An object must know how dump itself or its data structures to a file.
 void ZipfLaw.dumpCSV()
          Implements CSV dump through the dumpGraphValues() method.
 void MaxProbabilityClassifier.restore()
          An object must know how restore itself or its data structures from a file.
 void ZipfLaw.restore()
          An object must know how restore itself or its data structures from a file.

Uses of StorageException in marf.gui

Methods in marf.gui that throw StorageException
 void Spectrogram.dump()
          Dumps spectrogram.
 void WaveGrapher.dump()
          Dumps graph of wave in the CSV format.
 void Spectrogram.restore()
          Not implemented.
 void WaveGrapher.restore()
          Not implemented.

Uses of StorageException in marf.nlp.Parsing

Methods in marf.nlp.Parsing that throw StorageException
 boolean ProbabilisticParser.train()
          Performs training of the parser by compiling the source probabilistic grammar and then dumping it onto disk as a precompiled binary file for future re-load.

Uses of StorageException in marf.nlp.Parsing.GrammarCompiler

Methods in marf.nlp.Parsing.GrammarCompiler that throw StorageException
static TransitionTable GrammarCompiler.loadTT(java.lang.String pstrTTFileName)
          Loads (previously serialized) state of the TT.

Uses of StorageException in marf.Stats.StatisticalEstimators

Methods in marf.Stats.StatisticalEstimators that throw StorageException
 void StatisticalEstimator.dumpCSV()
          Not implemented.
 void StatisticalEstimator.dumpXML()
          Not implemented.
 void StatisticalEstimator.restoreCSV()
          Not implemented.
 void StatisticalEstimator.restoreXML()
          Not implemented.

Uses of StorageException in marf.Storage

Methods in marf.Storage that throw StorageException
 void Database.close()
          Closes (file) database connection.
 void IDatabase.close()
          Closes (file) database connection.
 void Database.connect()
          Connects to the database of subjects.
 void IDatabase.connect()
          Connects to the database of subjects.
 void IStorageManager.dump()
          An object must know how dump itself to a file.
 void StorageManager.dump()
          An object must know how dump itself or its data structures to a file.
 void IStorageManager.dumpBinary()
          Implement to save data structures as binary.
 void StorageManager.dumpBinary()
          Implements object dump in plain binary form without compression.
 void FeatureSet.dumpCSV()
          Dump the current training set to disk.
 void IStorageManager.dumpCSV()
          Implement to save data structures in CSV format.
 void StorageManager.dumpCSV()
          If derivatives use the generic implementation of dump() with the CSV dump mode, they must override this method.
 void TrainingSet.dumpCSV()
 void Cluster.dumpCSV( poWriter)
          Write one training cluster as a CSV text.
 void TrainingSample.dumpCSV( poBufferedWriter)
          Writes one training sample to a CSV file.
 void IStorageManager.dumpGzipBinary()
          Implement to save data structures as compressed binary.
 void StorageManager.dumpGzipBinary()
          Implements object dump in GZIP-compressed form.
 void IStorageManager.dumpHTML()
          Implement to save data structures as HTML document.
 void StorageManager.dumpHTML()
          If derivatives use the generic implementation of dump() with the HTML dump mode, they must override this method.
 void IStorageManager.dumpSQL()
          Implement to save data structures as SQL script.
 void StorageManager.dumpSQL()
          If derivatives use the generic implementation of dump() with the SQL dump mode, they must override this method.
 void IStorageManager.dumpXML()
          Implement to save data structures as XML document.
 void StorageManager.dumpXML()
          If derivatives use the generic implementation of dump() with the XML dump mode, they must override this method.
 int Database.getIDByFilename(java.lang.String pstrFileName, boolean pbTraining)
          Given ID, fetches the corresponding filename.
 int IDatabase.getIDByFilename(java.lang.String pstrFileName, boolean pbTraining)
          Given ID, fetches the corresponding filename.
 java.lang.String Database.getName(int piID)
          Retrieves subject's name by their ID.
 java.lang.String IDatabase.getName(int piID)
          Retrieves subject's name by their ID.
 long ISampleLoader.getSampleSize()
          Retrieves the length of the sample (# of audio data in the audio stream).
 long SampleLoader.getSampleSize()
          Retrieves the length of the sample (# of audio data in the audio stream).
 Sample ISampleLoader.loadSample(byte[] patFileData)
          Assumes the file data is in the array of bytes for loading.
 Sample SampleLoader.loadSample(byte[] patFileData)
          Converts the byte array into a buffered byte array input stream and passes it on.
 Sample ISampleLoader.loadSample( poInFile)
          Prime SampleLoader interface.
 Sample SampleLoader.loadSample( poInFile)
          Loads sample data from a file.
 Sample ISampleLoader.loadSample( poDataInputStream)
          Assumes the incoming stream is the sample file data.
 Sample SampleLoader.loadSample( poDataInputStream)
          Not implemented.
 Sample ISampleLoader.loadSample(java.lang.String pstrFilename)
          Same as loadSample(File) but takes filename as an argument.
 Sample SampleLoader.loadSample(java.lang.String pstrFilename)
          Same as loadSample(File) but takes filename as an argument.
 void Database.query()
          Retrieves subject's data from the database and populates internal data structures.
 void IDatabase.query()
          Retrieves subject's data from the database and populates internal data structures.
 int ISampleLoader.readSampleData(double[] padSampleData)
          Reads sample data from the sample's stream into the parameter.
 void ISampleLoader.reset()
          Resets the marker for the audio stream.
 void SampleLoader.reset()
          Resets the marker for the audio stream.
 void IStorageManager.restore()
          An object must know how restore its non-transient data structures from a file.
 void StorageManager.restore()
          An object must know how restore itself or its data structures from a file.
 void TrainingSet.restore()
          Retrieves the current training set from disk.
 void IStorageManager.restoreBinary()
          Implement to load data structures in binary form.
 void StorageManager.restoreBinary()
          Implements object loading from plain binary form without compression.
 void FeatureSet.restoreCSV()
          Retrieve the current training set from disk.
 void IStorageManager.restoreCSV()
          Implement to load data structures in CSV format.
 void StorageManager.restoreCSV()
          If derivatives use the generic implementation of restore() with the CSV dump mode, they must override this method.
 void TrainingSet.restoreCSV()
 void Cluster.restoreCSV( poReader)
          Retrieve one training cluster from the specified reader as a CSV text.
 void TrainingSample.restoreCSV( poBufferedReader)
          Retrieve one training sample from a CSV file.
 void IStorageManager.restoreGzipBinary()
          Implement to load data structures in compressed binary form.
 void StorageManager.restoreGzipBinary()
          Implements object loading from GZIP-compressed binary form.
 void IStorageManager.restoreHTML()
          Implement to load data structures from an HTML document.
 void StorageManager.restoreHTML()
          If derivatives use the generic implementation of restore() with the HTML dump mode, they must override this method.
 void IStorageManager.restoreSQL()
          Implement to load data structures from an SQL script.
 void StorageManager.restoreSQL()
          If derivatives use the generic implementation of restore() with the SQL dump mode, they must override this method.
 void IStorageManager.restoreXML()
          Implement to load data structures from an XML document.
 void StorageManager.restoreXML()
          If derivatives use the generic implementation of restore() with the XML dump mode, they must override this method.
 void ISampleLoader.saveSample(byte[] patFileData)
          Assumes the file data is in the array of bytes for loading.
 void SampleLoader.saveSample(byte[] patFileData)
 void ISampleLoader.saveSample( poOutFile)
          Prime SampleLoader interface.
 void SampleLoader.saveSample( poOutFile)
 void ISampleLoader.saveSample( poDataOutputStream)
          Assumes the output stream is the sample file data.
 void SampleLoader.saveSample( poDataOutputStream)
 void ISampleLoader.saveSample(java.lang.String pstrFilename)
          Same as saveSample(File) but takes filename as an argument.
 void SampleLoader.saveSample(java.lang.String pstrFilename)
          Same as saveSample(File) but takes filename as an argument.
 void ISampleLoader.updateSample()
          updateSample() is just used whenever the AudioInputStream is assigned to a new value (wave file).
 void SampleLoader.updateSample()
          updateSample() is just used whenever the AudioInputStream is assigned to a new value (wave file).
 int ISampleLoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSampleData, int piWords)
          Writes sample data into the sample's stream.

Uses of StorageException in marf.Storage.Loaders

Methods in marf.Storage.Loaders that throw StorageException
 long AudioSampleLoader.getSampleSize()
          Retrieves the length of the sample (# of audio data in the audio stream).
 long SineLoader.getSampleSize()
          Retrieves the length of the sample (# of audio data in the audio stream).
 long TextLoader.getSampleSize()
          Retrieves the length of the sample (# of data points in the stream).
 Sample AudioSampleLoader.loadSample(byte[] patFileData)
          Overrides the parent to include the AudioInputStream into the chain in order avoid audio format related errors.
 Sample AIFFCLoader.loadSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 Sample AIFFLoader.loadSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 Sample AULoader.loadSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 Sample MIDILoader.loadSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 Sample MP3Loader.loadSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 Sample SNDLoader.loadSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 Sample SineLoader.loadSample( poInFile)
          Fills in the contained sample's data array with a sine wave.
 Sample ULAWLoader.loadSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 Sample TextLoader.loadSample( poDataInputStream)
 Sample WAVLoader.loadSample( poAudioDataInputStream)
          Loads and decodes the WAV sample from the provided stream.
 Sample SineLoader.loadSample(java.lang.String pstrFilename)
          Merely calls readAudioData().
 int AudioSampleLoader.readAudioData(double[] padAudioData)
          Reads sample data from the sample's audio stream into padSampleData.
 int AIFFCLoader.readSampleData(double[] padSample)
          Not Implemented.
 int AIFFLoader.readSampleData(double[] padSample)
          Not Implemented.
 int AULoader.readSampleData(double[] padSample)
          Not Implemented.
 int MIDILoader.readSampleData(double[] padSample)
          Not Implemented.
 int MP3Loader.readSampleData(double[] padSample)
          Not Implemented.
 int SNDLoader.readSampleData(double[] padSample)
          Not Implemented.
 int SineLoader.readSampleData(double[] padSampleData)
          Generates sine wave at 3 kHz +- 0.0 kHz with 8 kHz sampling rate.
 int TextLoader.readSampleData(double[] padSampleData)
          Reads of the next chunk of character data as amplitudes.
 int ULAWLoader.readSampleData(double[] padSample)
          Not Implemented.
 int WAVLoader.readSampleData(double[] padAudioData)
          Buffers out the contents of an audio buffer into the parameter.
 void AudioSampleLoader.reset()
          Resets the marker for the audio stream.
 void WAVLoader.reset()
          Resets the marker for the audio and byte-array streams.
 void AIFFCLoader.saveSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 void AIFFLoader.saveSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 void AULoader.saveSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 void MIDILoader.saveSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 void MP3Loader.saveSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 void SNDLoader.saveSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 void SineLoader.saveSample( poOutFile)
          Does nothing.
 void ULAWLoader.saveSample( poFile)
          Not Implemented.
 void WAVLoader.saveSample( poOutFile)
          Saves the wave into a file for playback.
 void SineLoader.saveSample(java.lang.String pstrFilename)
          Does nothing.
 void SineLoader.updateSample()
          Overridden to reset sample's array mark only.
 int AudioSampleLoader.writeAudioData(double[] padSampleData, int piWords)
          Writes sample data into the sample's audio stream.
 int AIFFCLoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piNbrData)
          Not Implemented.
 int AIFFLoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piNbrData)
          Not Implemented.
 int AULoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piNbrData)
          Not Implemented.
 int MIDILoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piNbrData)
          Not Implemented.
 int MP3Loader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piNbrData)
          Not Implemented.
 int SNDLoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piNbrData)
          Not Implemented.
 int SineLoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piLength)
          Does nothing.
 int TextLoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piLength)
          TODO: Does not do any actual writing.
 int ULAWLoader.writeSampleData(double[] padSample, int piNbrData)
          Not Implemented.
 int WAVLoader.writeSampleData(double[] padAudioData, int piNbrWords)
          Buffers the contents of audio data parameter into the equivalent AudioInputStream object given the audio format specification.

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