Uses of Class

Packages that use Terminal

Uses of Terminal in marf.nlp.Parsing

Methods in marf.nlp.Parsing that return Terminal
 Terminal TransitionTable.getEOFTerminal()
          Allows querying for the EOF terminal.

Methods in marf.nlp.Parsing with parameters of type Terminal
 java.lang.Object TransitionTable.getEntryAt(NonTerminal poNonTerminal, Terminal poTerminal)
          Gets a table entry at a given position (NonTerminal, Terminal).
 void TransitionTable.setEntryAt(NonTerminal poNonTerminal, Terminal poTerminal, java.lang.Object poEntry)
          Sets the entry of a table.

Uses of Terminal in marf.nlp.Parsing.GrammarCompiler

Fields in marf.nlp.Parsing.GrammarCompiler declared as Terminal
protected  Terminal Grammar.oEOFTerminal
          A local EOF terminal reference.
protected  Terminal Grammar.oEpsilonTerminal
          The epsilon token.

Methods in marf.nlp.Parsing.GrammarCompiler that return Terminal
 Terminal Grammar.getEOFTerminal()
          Allows querying for the current EOF terminal.
 Terminal Grammar.getEpsilonTerminal()
          Allows querying for the current epsilon terminal.

Methods in marf.nlp.Parsing.GrammarCompiler with parameters of type Terminal
 void Grammar.addTeminal(Terminal poTerminal)
          Adds a terminal to the set of terminals.
 boolean GrammarElement.addToFirstSet(Terminal poTerminal)
          Adds a single terminal to the first set if it's not already there.
 boolean NonTerminal.addToFollowSet(Terminal poTerminal)
          Adds a single terminal to the follow set if it's not already there.
 void Grammar.setEOFTerminal(Terminal poTerminal)
          Allows setting a new EOF terminal.
 void Grammar.setEpsilonTerminal(Terminal poEpsilonTerminal)
          Allows setting a new epsilon terminal.

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